Self-Defence Ammunition Comparison between .22, 9 mmP, .40 & .45 Projectiles
self-defence ammunition, penetration depth, projectile performance, calibre performanceAbstract
This paper presents a comparison of different .22, 9 mm Parabellum (9 mmP), .40 and .45 calibre ammunition. The different projectiles are analysed by performance, considering penetration depth into ballistic gel, while compared with the penetration depth after some clothing, such as a material used for jackets, are penetrated first. The velocity, kinetic energy, and kinetic energy per cross-sectional area of the projectile are analysed, to identify which calibre and projectile has the most impact force on a threat. A cost comparison of the different ammunition is shown, while an analysis is done of the cost per kinetic energy per cross sectional area, for different ammunition.
Copyright (c) 2020 R. Stopfortha (Author)
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