Temperature Dependant Mechanical Property Characterisation Using Digital Image Correlation and Infrared Thermography
Full-field, Digital Image Correlation, Infrared Thermography, High-Temperature, Inconel 718Abstract
Accurate mechanical property charac-terisation of high-temperature high-performance materials, such as additively manufactured (AM) Inconel 718 (IN718), is crucial to ensure the reliability of components. A sudden drop in strength accompanied by significant embrittle-ment occurs in wrought IN718 near 700 ◦C. It is not clear whether AM IN718 exhibits this behaviour. The high cost of these materials and manufacturing methods necessitate the development of specimen-efficient testing techniques that allow material properties to be extracted simultaneously over a range of testing conditions. This paper presents a test setup, which is used to determine high-temperature mechanical properties over a range of operating temperatures by integrating digital image correlation (DIC) and full-field infrared thermography (IR). A purpose-designed specimen is resistively heated using a Gleeble 3800 thermomechanical simulator to create a thermal gradient across the length of the specimen. A high-temperature DIC setup and IR camera are used to capture the specimen surface’s displacement and full-field IR data. These datasets are temporally synchronised using a common triggering system and spatially correlated to allow for the extraction of temperature-dependent properties for a range of up to 100 ◦C from a single tensile
test. The setup is shown to successfully capture the strength drop-off and embrittlement of AM IN718.
Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Blackwell, Maxwell Vos, Sarah George, Melody Neaves, Thorsten Becker (Author)
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