The ROSIN Project and its Outreach to South Africa
education, robot operating system, ROS-IndustrialAbstract
In this paper, we report on the H2020 funded project ROSIN and its outreach activities to South Africa. ROSIN is concerned with developing and maintaining highquality software components for ROS-Industrial. ROSIndustrial is the industry branch of the Robot Operating System (ROS), a popular open source robot middleware. The ROSIN project is trying to overcome common criticism towards ROS and ROS-Industrial which until recently was preventing larger penetration of industrial applications with ROS. This is done by improving the quality of existing and the availability of new components. Also, educational activities are flanking the ROSIN effort to drastically increase the number of both students and industry professionals trained in ROS. This helps to increase spreading ROS-based application. As an EU project, ROSIN is active across Europe, but especially the education activities are being conducted in Africa as well. The outreach to South Africa is particularly strong here. Many students and industry professionals have already been trained and projects have been funded to advance the state of ROS-Industrial. ROS-Industrial will shape the future of automation and industrial robotics. Proficiency in ROS-Industrial thus is key to leapfrog progress in these fields. With our outreach activities to South Africa we aim to enable brilliant young minds to have part in this development.
Copyright (c) 2019 N. Limpert, P. Wiesen, A. Ferrein, S. Kallweit, S. Schiffer (Author)
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